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Story # 159: Free spirits we are girls...


στο μυαλό μου έχω χρώματα, χρώματα και χρώματα.
τι κι αν είμαστε στην μέση του χειμώνα??εγώ σκέφτομαι ήδη το καλοκαιράκι και το θέμα μου αυτές τις μέρες είναι:
"feel free to wear what makes you happy, what makes you smile and show the world how beatiful you are from the inside-- don't forget to smile everytime-that's your real beauty secret..."

 Chic with Luv
<3 Themelina 


 Good Morning!

in my mind I have colors, colors and colors.

So what if we're in the middle of winter?I am already thinking and dreaming of summer and my thing these days is:
"feel free to wear what makes you happy, what makes you smile and show the world how beatiful you are from the inside-- don't forget to smile everytime-that's your real beauty secret..."

 Chic with Luv
<3 Themelina

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About the Blog

Hello & Welcome to my blog. Just my stories of style and inspiration.

The name of this blog is dedicated to all the people of this world that are and always will be Chic with luv.

Hope it inspires you!
CWL by Themelina