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Story #128: from The Eccentric Miss T* to Chic with Luv

Story #128: from The Eccentric Miss T* to Chic with Luv

Hi there!

Thought to make a  mini-preview on the older stories:

All re-started out a cold November morning of 2010, with a small black kitten named The Eccentric Miss T* , with lots and lots of jewelry all over the place and with the company of Mrs Magic Click Giota Tzotzoli (thank you Giota) shooting and shooting amazing photos:

moved on with something simpler, so i changed the name and logo to - Miss T* Stories:

 Ikept making stories as:  Jewel stories etc.

to go through the era of: Happylife etc. looking kind of like this:

to end up as - Chic with Luv

Because after all they were all made with love by me and no matter how many names, logos etc i changed i am happy to say that the next stories are coming up shortly

Trust me...i am not done with inspiration just yet

♥ CWL by Themelina

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About the Blog

Hello & Welcome to my blog. Just my stories of style and inspiration.

The name of this blog is dedicated to all the people of this world that are and always will be Chic with luv.

Hope it inspires you!
CWL by Themelina